Friday Fictioneers Feb 10 – It’s Exhausting

Time for this weeks contribution to the Friday Fictioneers Challenge to write a 100 word story based on the photo prompt.

Interested in finding out more about this challenge and the group of writers that accept the challenge each week, start with our host’s Rochelle Wisoff-Fields site by clicking HERE.

Every week numerous writers take on the challenge submitting surprising and engaging stories. Have a look at this weeks submissions by clicking READ MORE.

The intriguing photo below was provided by  Ted Strutz



Bones creaking, muscles screaming, God dropped into the chair to rest. Stroking his beard, he looked out over the river. How could humans be indifferent to the fish gasping for breath in the toxic waters, the sighs of the trees as they struggled to fight the acid rain that clogged their arteries, the cries of the starving polar bears? Exhausted, he knew his work was not done. Whales were beached on sandbars exposed by dwindling oceans, whole animal species were being wiped out.

He was tired of fighting the malice of humans. He may just have to go nuclear and start over.

Word Count: 102

Thanks for reading.


36 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers Feb 10 – It’s Exhausting

  1. It’a good thing for us that God never does become weary and need to sit down–but I’m sure there are lots of times when, as He shakes His head in dismay, the thunder and lightening crash and make us wonder about another flood.


      1. In Revelation, there is the description of the earth melting “with a fervent heat.” One wonders–are we talking about a nuclear blast, or God’s wrath? Either way, it won’t be pretty.


  2. Personally I don’t think God cares because there are billions of stars and planets, what’s one little blue planet? But your story came from such a compassionate place, it did warm my heart.


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